Analysis of low input but high output in planting soybean by technology of no-tillage with corn stub
The impact of conservation tillage treatments on soil bacterial communities and soil properties in t
Conservation tillage is widely utilized in the dryland regions of northern China.Tillage treatments can generate changes......
Shift in soil bacterial communities mediated by conservation tillage in the dryland of northern Chin
Agricultural practices can change the physical and chemical properties of the soil,thereby affecting the soil microbial ......
The Brazilian agriculture,in the past years,has seen over 30 million ha been converted to notillage systems whereas surf......
Organic farming can provide multiple ecosystem services along with food production.A recent meta-analysis by Gattinger e......
Changes in soil organic carbon and its chemical fractions under different tillage practices on loess
Over the past 20 years,conservation tillage has been used on the loess plateau of north-west China to improve the sustai......
The community composition and biodiversity of weeds in conservation tillage system in Qinghai provin
Seed-bed cleaning is the precondition for no-tillage planter of conservation tillage.According to the technical requirem......